Source code for dataclass_builder.wrapper

"""Create instances of :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` with the builder pattern.

This module uses a generic wrapper that becomes specialized at initialization
into a builder instance that can build a given dataclass.

Using a builder instance is the fastest way to get started with
the `dataclass-builder` package.

.. testcode::

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from dataclass_builder import (DataclassBuilder, build, fields,
                                   REQUIRED, OPTIONAL)

    class Point:
        x: float
        y: float
        w: float = 1.0

Now we can build a point.

.. doctest::

    >>> builder = DataclassBuilder(Point)
    >>> builder.x = 5.8
    >>> builder.y = 8.1
    >>> builder.w = 2.0
    >>> build(builder)
    Point(x=5.8, y=8.1, w=2.0)

Field values can also be provided in the constructor.

.. doctest::

    >>> builder = DataclassBuilder(Point, x=5.8, w=100)
    >>> builder.y = 8.1
    >>> build(builder)
    Point(x=5.8, y=8.1, w=100)

.. note::

    Positional arguments are not allowed, except for the dataclass itself.

Fields with default values in the dataclass are optional in the builder.

.. doctest::

    >>> builder = DataclassBuilder(Point)
    >>> builder.x = 5.8
    >>> builder.y = 8.1
    >>> build(builder)
    Point(x=5.8, y=8.1, w=1.0)

Fields that don't have default values in the dataclass are not optional.

.. doctest::

    >>> builder = DataclassBuilder(Point)
    >>> builder.y = 8.1
    >>> build(builder)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    MissingFieldError: field 'x' of dataclass 'Point' is not optional

Fields not defined in the dataclass cannot be set in the builder.

.. doctest::

    >>> builder.z = 3.0
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    UndefinedFieldError: dataclass 'Point' does not define field 'z'

.. note::

    No exception will be raised for fields beginning with an underscore as they
    are reserved for use by subclasses.

Accessing a field of the builder before it is set gives either the `REQUIRED`
or `OPTIONAL` constant

.. doctest::

    >>> builder = DataclassBuilder(Point)
    >>> builder.x
    >>> builder.w

The :func:`fields` function can be used to retrieve a dictionary of settable
fields for the builder.  This is a mapping of field names to
:class:`dataclasses.Field` objects from which extra data can be retrieved such
as the type of the data stored in the field.

.. doctest::

    >>> list(fields(builder).keys())
    ['x', 'y', 'w']
    >>> [f.type.__name__ for f in fields(builder).values()]
    ['float', 'float', 'float']

A subset of the fields can be also be retrieved, for instance, to only get
required fields:

.. doctest::

    >>> list(fields(builder, optional=False).keys())
    ['x', 'y']

or only the optional fields.

.. doctest::

    >>> list(fields(builder, required=False).keys())


import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Mapping

from ._common import (
from .exceptions import MissingFieldError, UndefinedFieldError

__all__ = ["DataclassBuilder"]

[docs]class DataclassBuilder: """Wrap a dataclass with an object implementing the builder pattern. This class, via wrapping, allows dataclasses to be constructed with the builder pattern. Once an instance is constructed simply assign to it's attributes, which are identical to the dataclass it was constructed with. When done use the :func:`` function to attempt to build the underlying dataclass. .. warning:: Because this class overrides attribute assignment when extending it care must be taken to only use private or "dunder" attributes and methods. """ def __init__(self, dataclass: Any, **kwargs: Any): r""" :param dataclass: The dataclass_that should be built by the builder instance :param \*\*kwargs: Optionally initialize fields during initialization of the builder. These can be changed later and will raise UndefinedFieldError if they are not part of the `dataclass`'s `__init__` method. :raises TypeError: If `dataclass` is not a dataclass. This is decided via :func:`dataclasses.is_dataclass`. :raises dataclass_builder.exceptions.UndefinedFieldError: If you try to assign to a field that is not part of the `dataclass`'s `__init__`. :raises dataclass_builder.exceptions.MissingFieldError: If :func:`build` is called on this builder before all non default fields of the `dataclass` are assigned. """ if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(dataclass): raise TypeError("must be called with a dataclass type") self.__dataclass = dataclass # store this primarily for efficiency self.__settable_fields = _settable_fields(dataclass) for name, field in self.__settable_fields.items(): if _is_required(field): setattr(self, name, REQUIRED) else: setattr(self, name, OPTIONAL) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in self.__settable_fields: raise TypeError( f"__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '{key}'" ) setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, item: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set a field value, or an object attribute if it is private. .. note:: This will pass through all attributes beginning with an underscore. If this is a valid field of the dataclass it will still be built correctly but UndefinedFieldError will not be thrown for attributes beginning with an underscore. If you need the exception to be thrown then set the field in the constructor. :param item: Name of the dataclass field or private/"dunder" attribute to set. :param value: Value to assign to the dataclass field or private/"dunder" attribute. :raises dataclass_builder.exceptions.UndefinedFieldError: If `item` is not initialisable in the underlying dataclass. If `item` is private (begins with an underscore) or is a "dunder" then this exception will not be raised. """ if item.startswith("_") or item in self.__settable_fields: self.__dict__[item] = value else: raise UndefinedFieldError( f"dataclass '{self.__dataclass.__name__}' does not define " f"field '{item}'", self.__dataclass, item, )
if TYPE_CHECKING: # tells type checking that it should ignore attribute access def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: return self.__getattribute__(item)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Print a representation of the builder. .. testcode:: from dataclasses import dataclass from dataclass_builder import DataclassBuilder, build, fields @dataclass class Point: x: float y: float w: float = 1.0 >>> DataclassBuilder(Point, x=4.0, w=2.0) DataclassBuilder(Point, x=4.0, w=2.0) :return: String representation that can be used to construct this builder instance. """ args = [self.__dataclass.__qualname__] for name in self.__settable_fields: value = getattr(self, name) if value not in (REQUIRED, OPTIONAL): args.append(f"{name}={repr(value)}") return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({", ".join(args)})'
def _build(self) -> Any: """Build the underlying dataclass using the fields from this builder. :return dataclass: An instance of the dataclass given in :func:`__init__` using the fields set on this builder instance. :raises dataclass_builder.exceptions.MissingFieldError: If not all of the required fields have been assigned to this builder instance. """ # check for missing required fields for name, field in _required_fields(self.__dataclass).items(): if getattr(self, name) is REQUIRED: raise MissingFieldError( f"field '{name}' of dataclass " f"'{self.__dataclass.__qualname__}' " "is not optional", self.__dataclass, field, ) # build dataclass kwargs = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.__settable_fields if getattr(self, name) is not OPTIONAL } return self.__dataclass(**kwargs) def _fields( self, required: bool = True, optional: bool = True ) -> Mapping[str, "dataclasses.Field[Any]"]: """Get a dictionary of the builder's fields. :param required: Set to False to not report required fields. :param optional: Set to False to not report optional fields. :return dict: A mapping from field names to actual :class:`dataclasses.Field`'s in the same order as the underlying dataclass. """ if not required and not optional: return {} if required and not optional: return _required_fields(self.__dataclass) if not required and optional: return _optional_fields(self.__dataclass) return _settable_fields(self.__dataclass)