Source code for dataclass_builder.utility

"""Utility functions for the package."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from ._common import MISSING
from .wrapper import DataclassBuilder

    from typing import Mapping
    from dataclasses import Field

__all__ = ["build", "fields", "update"]

[docs]def build(builder: DataclassBuilder) -> Any: """Use the given :class:`DataclassBuilder` to initialize a `dataclass`. This will use the values assigned to the given `builder` to construct a :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` of the type the `builder` was created for. .. note:: This is not a method of :class:`DataclassBuilder` in order to not interfere with possible field names. This function will use special private methods of :class:`DataclassBuilder` which are excepted from field assignment. :param builder: The dataclass builder to build from. :raises dataclass_builder.exceptions.MissingFieldError: If not all of the required fields have been assigned to this builder. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return builder._build()
[docs]def fields( builder: DataclassBuilder, *, required: bool = True, optional: bool = True ) -> "Mapping[str, Field[Any]]": """Get a dictionary of the given :class:`DataclassBuilder`'s fields. .. note:: This is not a method of :class:`DataclassBuilder` in order to not interfere with possible field names. This function will use special private methods of :class:`DataclassBuilder` which are excepted from field assignment. :param builder: The dataclass builder to get the fields for. :param required: Set to False to not report required fields. :param optional: Set to False to not report optional fields. :return: A mapping from field names to actual :class:`dataclasses.Field`'s in the same order as the `builder`'s underlying :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return builder._fields(required=required, optional=optional)
[docs]def update(dataclass: Any, builder: DataclassBuilder) -> None: """Update a dataclass or dataclass builder from a partial dataclass builder. :param dataclass: :func`dataclasses.dataclass` or dataclass builder to update. .. note:: Technically this can be any object that supports :func:`__setattr__`. :param builder: The datalcass builder to update `dataclass` with. All fields that are not missing in the `builder` will be set (overridden) on the given `dataclass`. """ for field in fields(builder): value = getattr(builder, field) if value != MISSING: setattr(dataclass, field, value)