Source code for dataclass_builder.exceptions

"""Exceptions for the package."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    from dataclasses import Field

__all__ = ["DataclassBuilderError", "UndefinedFieldError", "MissingFieldError"]

[docs]class DataclassBuilderError(Exception): """Base class of errors raised by :class:`DataclassBuilder`."""
[docs]class UndefinedFieldError(DataclassBuilderError): """Exception thrown when attempting to assign to an invalid field.""" def __init__(self, message: str, dataclass: Any, field: str) -> None: """ :param message: Human readable error message :param dataclass: :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` the :class:`DataclassBuilder` was made for. :param field: Name of the invalid field that the calling code tried to assign to. """ super().__init__(message) self.dataclass = dataclass """:func:`dataclasses.dataclass` the :class:`DataclassBuilder` was made for.""" self.field = field """Name of the invalid field that the calling code tried to assign to."""
[docs]class MissingFieldError(DataclassBuilderError): """Thrown when fields are missing when building a :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`.""" def __init__(self, message: str, dataclass: Any, field: "Field[Any]") -> None: """ :param message: Human readable error message :param dataclass: :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` the :class:`DataclassBuilder` was made for. :param field: The :class:`dataclasses.Field` representing the missing field that needs to be assigned. """ super().__init__(message) self.dataclass = dataclass """:func:`dataclasses.dataclass` the :class:`DataclassBuilder` was made for.""" self.field = field """ The :class:`dataclasses.Field` representing the missing field that needs to be assigned. """